Have you ever noticed those two little indentations on the lower back of some people? Maybe you have it as well? Some people have them some don’t, but they can appear in both men and women. Ever wondered what are those two holes on your lower back? Well, in common language they are called back […]
Author: Jackie Smith
If Your Body Suddenly Jerks While You Are Falling Asleep, This Is What it Means
Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes […]
11 Difference Between The Boy You Are Dating And The Guy You Will Marry!
When you’re dating a guy, it’s easy to think he’s perfect. You’re in a love haze, so be careful because there are definite differences between the boy you date and the man you marry. It’s true that people can change, so don’t ditch a guy just because he seems like a slacker at first. It’s […]
Beneficial Uses For Urine And Why You Should Pee In The Shower!
A large portion of people is normally embarrassed to discuss the things they do in the restroom. Peeing in the shower is the great equalizer — it’s the one thing most of us do but don’t admit to. Or if we do ‘fess up, it’s with a sense of shame. But frat boys everywhere can […]
Girls Do You Know What Is The Purpose Of Small Pocket In Your Underwear
A portion of the items we utilize each day have different purposes and a few sections that are special and uncommon too. Numerous individuals are confusеd by these parts’ motivation – for instance, do you know what the little pockets on female clothing are for? Here are 6 items we utilize each day and the […]
8 things every woman should and shouldn’t do after sex
What do you know about sex safety and hygiene? Probably that sex has to be consensual, well, safe, and uh oh! you probably should maintain your nether parts hygiene. These are all correct, but do you know specific do’s and don’ts of intercourse? Because there are things you should think about prior to having sex, and […]
12 Signs He Is Not In Love With You
I just want to share to you this post that I read from the internet especially to those women out there who are experiencing these signs at some point in their relationship. Girls/women can post comments if you have experienced some of the signs and share how you feel and what you do about it. […]
The pitfalls of dating a married man: who suffers and why
Society is becoming immune to cheating in a romantic relationship. We hear things like, “Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce” and “Forty percent of people in a relationship cheat.” Yes, of course every woman hopes for a long term relationship without cheating. But unfortunately, life is cruel and the phenomenon of marital infidelity […]
Practicing yoga regularly may improve men’s sexual health
Most people believe that yoga is popular among women, but it can be beneficial for men too. It helps them relieve stress levels, treat anxiety, improve flexibility, build strength and find a balance. And believe it or not, but yoga can even improve their sexual health. It is not a secret that some men suffer from erectile […]
How to mend a broken heart and find love again
Are you trying to manage a tough break up? It can be horrible to feel as though your heart is breaking. And it is completely normal to feel this way after breaking up. Unfortunately, many people give up on love and never want to start a relationship again. While it is fine to feel this […]