Author: Jackie Smith

15 Symptoms That Indicate When Your Menopause Will Start

Menopause is maybe one of the most frightening and nerve-racking (although natural) processes, which affects women’s well-being at their mid-age. The gradual decrease in the production of reproductive hormones, which develops for several years, leads to the cessation of menstruation. This usually occurs in women between 50 and 55 years old, but it’s completely possible […]

Color Of Period Blood And Woman Health

The menstrual cycle takes place every month for a time of 6-7 days. Through these days, a woman may have irregular cramps along with some other minor difficulties, such as headaches and stomach pain. If the menstrual blood flows quickly from the body, its color will be red or pink Bright Red Your menstrual blood […]

Top 6 Basic Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

A healthy mind and body do not stop at being sane and disease- free. Being healthy also means feeling great and comfortable all day long. One of the basic ways to ensure a fresh feeling every day is to maintain good personal hygiene. What is personal hygiene? For most people, personal hygiene includes monotonous activities […]

7 Ovarian Cancer Signs That Can Be Easily Missed

Ovarian cancer is known as the “silent killer” for good reason—the disease doesn’t have as many obvious indicators as, say, breast or skin cancer. But that doesn’t mean women don’t experience symptoms. Oftentimes, though, those symptoms aren’t easy to spot.”They’re very discrete, easy to ignore, and can easily be attributed to other things like changing […]

Your Toes Say A Lot About Your Future, And Personality: See How The Length Determines Whether You’ll Be Rich And Happy!

Your Toes Say a Lot About Your Future, and Personality: See How the Length Determines Whether You’ll be Rich and Happy! Are your toes larger or smaller? Which toe is the longest and which is the smallest? Are your feet narrow or wide? All these characteristics can tell a lot about your personality and even […]