Author: admin

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the […]

Researchers Explain How To Improve The Intimacy In Your Relationship

Most couples, especially those in long-term relationships, want to improve intimacy. When a relationship is new and fresh, passion is more fiery and everything is exciting. But as couples stay together longer, the flame has a tendency to begin to lose its heat. Although intimacy and passion certainly aren’t everything in a committed relationship, it’s […]


They say men are naturally polygamous and women say it’s bullsh*t. When infidelity comes in between the relationship you could not help but ask yourself “why did my husband fall for another woman?”, “what went wrong?” or “what did I do wrong?” Those painful questions that you also didn’t know the answer.Well, the truth is, […]

5 Signs You Might Be Depressed and Don’t Even Know It

Lots of people walk through life trying to hide their depression. Some people with hidden depression can conceal their depression like pros, masking their symptoms and putting on a “happy face” for most others. People with concealed depression or hidden depression often don’t want to acknowledge the severity of their depressive feelings. They believe that if they just […]

Here Are 10 Things That Appear In Your Dream Have A Secret Meaning In Real Life. You Must Know It!!!

A dream is successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.[1] The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The […]


We always want to be establishing physical intimacy in our relationship in an effort to get closer to our partners. In this day and age, no relationship is ever going to survive when there is no intimacy – both on an emotional and physical level. And that’s why you can’t be afraid of getting touchy […]