Author: Kate Winslet

10 Dream Symbols You Should Never Ignore

“Dreams are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand.” – Carl Jung. Carl Jung was a 19th century psychotherapist. He conducted a series of studies and concluded that looking into dreams was opening a door into consciousness and the spirit world. Dreams are a reflection a person’s sub […]

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the […]

8 Signs Indicating Someone is a Psychopath

Psychopathy is a personality disorder with different characteristics. These characteristics indicate that a person may suffer from it. However, it is not easy to see if someone is a psychopath. They seem normal, but they possess a great charm that fools people and they are very manipulative. In the world, there are a lot of […]