The Top 10 Signs Of Porn Addiction

 Whether or not behavioral addictions, such as porn addiction, are actual addictions is highly debated in the psychiatric and treatment communities. While some of these addictions, like gambling addiction, are much more accepted than others, like sex addiction, there is still a great deal of controversy from medical professionals on where addictions end and compulsions […]

Simple Exercises To Lose Thigh Fat

Using Exercise to Reduce Cellulite There are lots of other things that you can do in order to decrease cellulite. Little is known about the causes of cellulite. After all, even skinny individuals have cellulite, therefore it isn’t always about weight. Cellulite is a challenging problem to tackle, because it’s not possible to remove all […]

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health

 Open your mouth and look at your tongue. That may sound strange, but your tongue can tell a lot about your health. For example, a black and hairy looking tongue can signal poor oral hygiene, or diabetes. If your tongue is bright red like a strawberry, it could signal a deficiency in folic acid, vitamin […]

Relieve Stress In Just 5 Minutes With This Simple Japanese Method

Stress is the body’s natural defense against predators and danger. It flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger. This is known as the “fight-or-flight” mechanism. But modern life brings us stress different than the one needed to survive in the environment. Your job, your colleagues, even your closest family […]