If Your Partner Does These 5 Sneaky Things, They’re Gaslighting You

What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a pattern of emotionally abusive behavior that’s all about controlling and isolating another person.  “One of the ways gaslighters accomplish this is by making their victim question their sanity, so they rely more and more on them for their ‘correct’ version of reality,” says Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and author […]

10 Everyday Things You Probably Keep Doing Wrong

10 Everyday Things You Probably Keep Doing Wrong According to some studies, we’re living on autopilot 46.9% of our life. This constant mind-wanderingoften distracts us from our daily activities and even makes us feel unhappy. That’s why it’s crucially important to pay attention to every the smallest detail of our lives and always try to look at things with fresh eyes. 10. Holding your drink The […]