Category: Life

7 Foods You Should Never Reheat in the Microwave

First invented by accident in the 1940s, the microwave is now one of the major kitchen appliances in every household. While this contraption means convenience for cooking and reheating, there are specific types of foods that you should avoid cooking in the microwave at all costs. By observing these microwave no-no’s, you lessen the chances […]

Here’s a look at how the different coronavirus vaccines work

There’s good news about coronavirus vaccines. At least three of the experimental vaccines show remarkable efficacy, at least according to information released by the makers in news releases.Global vaccine giant AstraZeneca reports its vaccine prevented coronavirus infection 62% of the time when people got two doses a month apart. But in a subgroup of volunteers […]

Video: Florida Man ‘Nibbled’ By 13ft Alligator ‘Buddy’ While Taking A Dip

Video reveals the terrifying moment when Elvis the 13ft alligator took a ‘nibble’ at John Braje’s shoulder. Being close to animals is easy and grateful, but sometimes, if they are larger, stronger, and dangerous, things can go in the wrong direction. Therefore, one has to be extra careful and skillful to prevent incidents. Luckily, when […]